Monday, March 31

Rooftop Scooter

Does this make them yellow trash?

Sunday, March 30


After keeping close tabs on the progress since late last night, I am happy to congratulate Photobucket for reaching 5,000,000,000 images!


That's BILLIONS of images!

Tuesday, March 25

Monday, March 24

That Darn Cat!

You know there's not much happening when I resort to using Disney movies to title blog posts.


To see what is going on, click here for my latest project.

Wednesday, March 19

Seoul Trippin'

We had to visit Seoul to register our boy as an American citizen. Even though Jeremy is only 10 days old, we must have his passport as soon as possible so we can apply for his Korean visa. Apparently, the fines really start to add up if we are late. So, three and a half hours on the KTX, thirty minutes in a taxi, eight sleepless hours in a hotel, a seven o'clock wake-up call, twenty minutes of paperwork at the American Embassy- all because of some imaginary lines on the ground. Whatever: at least we saw some neat-o stuff and ate at the first Subway I've seen in over a year.





Friday, March 14

Bundle O'Joy and Korean Hospital Breakfast


This is what Rachel had for breakfast yesterday.

Thursday, March 13

Wednesday, March 12

Sunday, March 9

Wednesday, March 5

Regular Service

Went for a walk yesterday with my nine-months-pregnant wife (per doctor's orders) and found this coffee machine:

Is it just me, or does the machine look like it should be dispensing Metamucil?

"Now the only thing that spoils our fishing trips... is rain."

Speaking of ease and consistency, here's some video from a recent trip to E-mart on the #13 bus:

Monday, March 3

The More I Think About It

Every once in a while, in the midst of the most horrid, unbearably lame sketch comedy, there appears a musical guest that makes the ghost of Paul Westerberg's solo career stir in its bargain bin cemetery.

So, even if the show is complete shit, at least somebody behind the scenes has decent taste in music. Or maybe they just got lucky?


Listening to: Wilco - [February 26, 2008 #24] Hate It Here [foobar2000 v0.9.3.1]
via FoxyTunes

Some Randomness

Here are some stop-gap photos for your viewing pleasure.

As always, click for the bigger version of each.